Provence to Chiang Mai.



travel well

live well

When I first heard Tim & Laura’s idea for Moveable Feast Retreats, I wanted to go. So I booked the ticket, along with my mom and cousin, and set off on MFR’s maiden Provence voyage. 

Every element of the experience was carefully planned out. The setting was perfect and Johnny’s food was exactly what you would dream of when thinking about eating in Provence.

Our group of 16 were all incredibly different – there was a 1-year-old and a 60-year-old, young newlyweds who had never spent nearly as much on a  trip and mature newlyweds who had more money than probably all of us put together – but we were all there for the same reasons.

To experience something special that we couldn’t pull off on our own.

To take the time to invest in our own happiness, growth and inspiration.

And to have fun in a bomb place that certainly was a ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ sort of spot.

Definitely a trip to make everyone’s 90-year-old selves proud and have a good story to share at dinner parties for decades to come…and now it’s come full circle.

I’m so happy to be helping bring Moveable Feasters to my chosen home of Chiang Mai. I’ve lived here for 8 years and spent time here with Laura, Tim and Johnny eating, drinking and exploring as much as we can.

Join us.

– Alana | @paperplanesblog 

